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Annuity Basic Training 101
Start your basic training with first video in the series.
Watch it completely through a few times and take notes. Make up a practice case and run different ages to get used to the software. Example: Run a plan for a 60-year-old that wants to retire at 66. If he has $200,000 what would his guaranteed income be? What if he is 60 and his wife is 58? Run that scenario joint income. What would the guaranteed income be? Practice makes perfect.
Watch each video in succession to understand the full process of writing the annuity and getting it through compliance and finally money transferred.
All the flyers you need for your presentation are at the bottom of page.
Watch the video on how to download or order your glossy brochures from Athene. Read the brochures and get used to the language of annuities.
Once you have watched, don’t try to be an expert on day one.
Your primary goal is to “find the money”. Do this on every appointment, especially if over age 60. Schedule a follow up, get help from your Agency Owner for second meeting. Watch the “find the money” video. It’s easy.
All your resources are here. Use the help desk at Athene for each case. Remember, help desk gets paid to help you.
Find the Money
10 Minute Annuity Training
Annuity Intro & Sales Approach
Athene Annuity Software
Find & Download the App.
Filling out the App.
Transferring Money
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